Fire Watch Man Fire Watch man Course

An officially authorized

Department of Labor Protection and Welfare

License number Jor Por. 63 – 010

Entrusted from leading customers

Fire watch man Training

Technical practice as professional of fire watch man.

Fire watchers are important who plan in prevent fires during risky such as heat and sparks. Therefore, team of fire watchers  must to understanding of various important techniques in fire surveillance. Including  can be used emergency equipment for response  correctly and safely as compose  with international standards.

Fire watch man Training + COVID-19 measures

Fiire watch man techniques professionally

“International standard teaching equipments, ready for learn techniques  about equipment to fire watch  man professionally”

  • Learning  techniques for basic firefighting procedures.
  • Learning  how to check job risky .
  • Learning to formulate risk assessment plan JSA.
  • Practice to use of different types of fire extinguishers.
  • Practice to protection against sparks.
  • Practice in the use of various types of fire countermeasures.

Hot work permit

All content cover International standard course.  Teaching from roles ,what is the scope of duties of fire man watchers.  Methods for fire surveillance in spark-type jobs, welding, cutting, grinding work, various fire protection can be using the equipment correctly.  Using fire blankets to prevent sparks.  The use of various types of fire extinguishers, including how to read safety signs.How to write an emergency plan and the process of applying for permission to hot work permit.

In house course

77 provinces throughout Thailand.

  • No more than 40 people in class.
  • Time duration 6 hours.
  • Certificates to all trainees.

** 35% discount Training place rental service 

Proper proportion of courses designed to intensely train and practice.

0% practical
Teaching standards with emphasizes practicality
to 70%.

All teaching content is recognized by leading national organizations. Trained can practice effectively accurate and safe.

Learn how to properly use fire surveillance equipment, safety and practice with professional instructor.

Prepare plan for fire surveillance

What are the relevant international first aid standards abroad?

  • Formulating a risk assessment plan  JSA.
  • Applying for permission to hot work permit.

Fire surveillance equipment

Equipment required for fire surveillance and spark isolation​

  • How many types of fire extinguishers?
  • Fire Triangle

Role of fire watch man.

Fire watch man have a duty to systematically plan the work and prevent fires.

Who is a fire watch man?

Fire watch man is  person who has the knowledge and skills to plan for fire protection and equipment.

What do fire watchers need to do before starting work?

Fire watchers must to check neatness before starting work as follows:

  1. Risks Assessing and laying down control measures to prevent harm.
  2. Permission allow  before starting work with hot and sparks.
  3. Organize fire surveillance teams in various risk areas with emergency response equipments.
  4. Check flammable chemicals concentration that may cause a fire, surrounding the LEL value and various hazardous atmospheric conditions as safe.
  5. Insulate heat and spread source into safe location with items such as fire retardant clothes.
  6. Safety and Hazard Assessment.
  7. Check all area was propered after finishing work and finalize the work permit.

Certificate after training complete

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